Molduga Locations in the Gerudo Desert

Molduga is a common enemy encountered in the Gerudo Desert. Moldugas can be found in four different places in the desert. These locations are the Toruma Dunes, Southern Oasis, North Dragon’s Exile, and Arbiter’s Grounds.

Molduga Locations

If you’re looking for Moldugas in the Gerudo Desert, there are a few places you can check out. Here are some of the most likely spots:

-The first place to look is around the sand dunes near the oasis. This is where they tend to hunt for their prey, and you’re likely to find them lurking around here.

-Another spot to check is near the abandoned mineshaft in the south-western part of the desert. It’s dark and damp in there, making it a perfect place for Moldugas to hide.


-Finally, keep an eye out for them near the ancient ruins in the north-eastern part of the desert. They like to nest in there, and you might be able to find them if you’re lucky.

Molduga Locations: Toruma Dunes

Molduga Locations: Toruma Dunes

If you’re looking for Moldugas in the Gerudo Desert, your best bet is to check out the Toruma Dunes. These dunes are home to a large number of Moldugas, making it the perfect place to hunt them down. There are a few things to keep in mind when exploring the dunes, however. First, the sand can be quite hot during the day, so be sure to wear appropriate clothing. Second, the Moldugas are very aggressive and will attack anything that moves. So be prepared for a fight. Finally, watch out for quicksand pits – they’re easy to fall into and can be difficult to get out of. With these things in mind, happy hunting!

Molduga Locations: Southern Oasis

If you’re looking for Molduga, you’ll want to head to the Gerudo Desert. In the southern part of the desert, near the oasis, you’ll find Molduga lurking about. Be careful when approaching Molduga, as they are aggressive and will attack anything that moves. If you’re looking to take one down, make sure to have plenty of firepower and prepared for a fight.

Molduga Locations: North Dragon’s Exile

If you’re looking for Moldugas in the Gerudo Desert, your best bet is to head to the north part of the map, near the Dragon’s Exile. This area is full of quicksand and pockets of soft sand, which make it the perfect hunting ground for these predators. There are several ways to reach this area, but the most direct route is probably from the Gerudo Highlands.


Once you’re in the general vicinity, keep your eyes peeled for any movement in the sand. Moldugas are ambush predators, so they’ll often lie in wait for their prey before attacking. If you see something moving, approach with caution and be ready to fight.

There are a few things to keep in mind when fighting Moldugas. First, they’re immune to fire damage, so don’t waste your time trying to light them on fire. Second, they have a lot of health, so it’s going to take a while to take one down. Third, they can burrow underground and pop up somewhere else. So prepared to chase them around if they get away from you.

If you’re patient and cautious, taking down a Molduga can be a rewarding experience. They drop valuable items

Molduga Locations: Arbiter’s Grounds

Molduga Locations: Arbiter's Grounds

If you’re looking for Moldugas in the Gerudo Desert, your best bet is to head to the Arbiter’s Grounds. This area is crawling with the creatures, so you’ll have no trouble finding them. Just be careful, as they can be quite dangerous!

What are Molduga’s Locations? 


Molduga are large, ferocious predators that dwell in the Gerudo Desert. They are difficult to defeat and can cause serious damage to anyone who crosses their path. Molduga have known to attack travelers, caravans, and even small villages in the desert.

There are several reports of Molduga sightings in the Gerudo Desert, but their exact locations are unknown. Some believe that they make their homes in the sand dunes, while others believe they live in caves or underground tunnels.

Despite their fearsome reputation, Molduga are actually quite rare. It is believed that there are only a handful of them left in the desert. If you do happen to encounter one, it is important to be cautious and prepared for battle.

How to Find Moldugas

If you’re looking for Moldugas in the Gerudo Desert, there are a few places you can check. First, try looking around Lake Hylia. There are often Moldugas lurking near the water’s edge, waiting to ambush unwary prey. Another good spot to look is in the area around the Gerudo Canyon Ruins. There are several caves and tunnels in this area that Moldugas often use as dens, so be careful when exploring!

If you’re still having trouble finding Moldugas, try using your Sheikah Slate’s Sensor function. This will reveal any nearby Moldugas, even if they’re hidden from view. Just be prepared for a fight if you use this method, as Moldugas are not afraid to attack intruders!

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