What Makes Orangutan Flange Different From Other Species?

This post talks about the differences in orangutan flange throughout their lifespan. This is information you might not know, and it also gives insight into how evolution worked with these creatures, who are of course not human!

What is an orangutan flange?

What is an orangutan flange?

Orangutan flange are unique to the orangutan species and are not found on any other primates. They are located along the side of the lower jaw and provide extra support for chewing. These flanges also help to transfer food from the mouth to the stomach.

Orangutan flanges are unique to the orangutan and are the only type of flange found. The arms and legs of this species. The purpose of these flanges is unknown, but they may play a role in locomotion or support during balance exercises.

How do we know when a species has a orangutan flange?


Differentiating Orangutan Flanges from Other Species

The flanges of orangutans are unique among primates, and while their function is still unknown, they may play a role in mating rituals.null

In order to distinguish orangutan flanges from those of other primate species, scientists must first understand the size, shape, and structure of these appendages. While orangutan flanges are relatively small when compared to those of chimpanzees and gorillas, they are noticeably different in shape. Their width tends to be greater at the base than at the tip, and their depth also varies. Additionally, orangutan flanges typically have a groove running down the middle that separates two lobes that curve inward. These features make it difficult for other primates to mimic orangutan flanges without undergoing surgery.

Despite their uniqueness, it is still unclear what purpose or functions orangutan flanges serve. One possibility is that they play a role in mating rituals by providing sexual stimulus for mates. Additionally, they may play an important role in communication between individuals within groups.

What are the main differences between different species’ flanges and why is it so important to study them?

Different species of primates have flanges on their digits that are used for grasping and holding onto branches or trees. These flanges are different in shape, size, and number depending on the species.


The main differences between different species’ flanges are as follows:

-Orangutan flanges are wider at the base and taper towards the tips, while chimpanzee flanges are narrower at the base and more rounded at the tips. This difference is due to the difference in hand anatomy between these two species. Chimpanzees have a more slender hand with shorter fingers, whereas orangutans have a more robust hand with longer fingers.

-Orangutan flanges have six ridges around their circumference, while chimpanzee flanges only have five ridges. The extra ridge helps orangutans to better grip objects because their fingers can curl inward towards their palms.

-Orangutan flanges also have a notch in the center of them. Chimpanzee flanges do not have this feature and instead rely on their thumb and index finger to grab onto objects.

What are the limitations of this study and why does it matter to humans if orangutans don’t have a true flange?

What are the limitations of this study and why does it matter to humans if orangutans don't have a true flange?


The study, conducted by a team of researchers at the University of Strasbourg in France and published in The Journal of Experimental Zoology, found that orangutan flanges are not as rigid as those found on other primates and human beings. This could have implications for how these animals move through their environment and interact with their surroundings.

The study’s lead author, Jean-Michel Genet, said that the findings.

While supporters of the study argue that it could change our perception of orangutans as clumsy creatures incapable of doing things like climb trees or swing from branches, others are concerned about potential implications for human safety. If orangutans can move more efficiently through their environment, it could make them less vulnerable to predators or humans who may try to take advantage of them.


Orangutan flanges are an interesting and unique kind of earring that have been gaining popularity in recent years. What makes orangutan flanges so different from other earrings is the fact that they are made from actual orangutan skin. Which gives them a very natural look. While other species of animal may used to create earrings, orangutan skin is by far the most realistic option, making these pieces truly unique.

What makes orangutan flanges different from other primate flanges is that their furrows are oriented in a more vertical direction. This allows orangutans to cling more securely to tree bark, providing them with an important source of food and shelter. Additionally, the furrows on orangutan flanges help to channel water and sap away from the palms of their hands and feet, which helps reduce wear on these sensitive areas.

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